Book Reviews

Friday, April 7, 2023

A Monster Calls Fanfiction(Title Undecided)- Part 2

 A Monster Calls Fanfiction(Title Undecided)- Part 2

BBC One - A Monster Calls

Hello, this is the second installment of my ongoing fanfiction of the book A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. 

This story is set in a few years from the events of A Monster Calls, where the main character is still Conor but from a first-person perspective. 

Enjoy reading! :)


Memory after memory began to slam into my brain, as if they had been waiting to ambush me. The nightmare. The stories. The truth.

The yew tree. 

I see you recognize me now, said the golem with a gravelly smile. 

“You’re the yew tree monster, from all those years ago!” I exclaimed in recognition and wonder. “I haven’t seen you in forever!”

Yes, the monster said, aglow with happiness and joy. It is good to see you again.

But its smile soon faded. However, this time you have not called me. I have come to get you, right now, because I need your help.

“Aren’t you normally made of trees?”

True, I normally am. But when was the last time you’ve seen a tree?

“Three hours ago?” I gestured to the VR headset and gloves sitting messily atop my books. 

No, an actual, living tree. I can’t project my consciousness into mounds of code. I’m talking about an organism of the earth, awake and alive.

I thought hard, glancing around my windowless room. 

“Maybe… was it last year?”

It’s been more than a year since the atmosphere turned too thick and poisonous for the trees. They have been dying off in hundreds and thousands.

“I remember seeing it on the news, the amazon rainforest has dwindled to about— fifty trees, was it?”

That forest is a forest no more.

All the trees in the Amazon died?” I was shocked- surely that would have come up in the news!

Yes, the monster said gravely. I do not sense their life force anymore, although it had been faint before. And now, only two trees remain. 

“What about the other forests?”

Only two trees are left on the entire surface of the earth, the monster clarified.

“Only two? In all the world?” This was hard to take in— yes, I knew trees were much more scarce now, but I had no idea the number had dwindled so much. But then I had a question:

“If there are still trees left, why aren’t you in tree form, like you used to be?”

Both trees are dying and sick. They are not strong enough to project my full consciousness into.  

“But you can do it with these rocks and dirt?”


Huh. Weird.

“Anyway,” I said, “Why’d you come?”

I have come for you because the trees must not die. 

The monster’s deep voice was grim as it recounted its tale. 

Three years ago, I became aware of significant losses in the flora and fauna. Trees were being cut down, animals became homeless, and the world became too hot for many plants to bear. The soil was getting poisoned, the air was being polluted, and the earth was dying.

“Yeah, yeah, that was the same thirty years ago too,” Connor interjected. “Why come to me all of a sudden?”

Patience, young one, the monster said, slightly annoyed. You have lived only seventeen years, and we do not have much time. Anyways, the earth was dying all over— in the water, the air, the land, everywhere. 

And I came walking. 

More installments to follow!

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