Book Reviews

Thursday, March 30, 2023

A Monster Calls Fanfiction(Title Undecided)- Part 1

 A Monster Calls Fanfiction(Title Undecided)- Part 1

BBC One - A Monster Calls

Hello, I know I haven't been posting regularly these days and it's been about a month and a half since I've last posted, but here's my next piece(at last). This post is to be the first of many installments of a fanfiction of the book A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. I know I've already posted another short story based on the same book, but I liked it so much I'm making up another story for it. This is completely unrelated to my previous story Reality Check, and honestly I forgot about Reality Check when I was writing this story. 

This story is set in a few years from the events of A Monster Calls, where the main character is still Conor but from a first-person perspective. 

Enjoy reading! :)


There it was. Standing about seventy centimeters tall, the gravelly creature made of crushed stone and pebbles stood awkwardly in the doorway of my windowless room. 

At first glance, it looked like all the other rock golems I’ve seen in fantasy RPG games- short stubby legs, thick forearms, no neck, and hunchbacked. 

Hey there. Long time no see. A deep and gravelly voice issued from the small being. Can I come in?

If mini-golems could find their way into my room, why not talk? 

“Sure. Just, uh, don’t try to spill too much dirt or anything.”

Sure, sure. 

The golem left a noticeable trail of dirt and dust as it plodded into my room. 

“Who are you?” I asked with genuine curiosity. 

You do not recognize me? The voice inquired.

“Yeah, I don’t.”

Have I been away for that long? You do look much older.

“What you’re talking about? Away from what?”

You. Your thoughts.

“We’ve met before?”

Do you really not remember? the creature asked, a hint of amusement in its voice.

The stones and pebbles making up the creature’s form started to shift into a humanlike shape, its forearms growing thinner and its legs longer while its head shrunk down. I could make out its facial features- it had kind, coal-black eyes and a mouth not dissimilar to that of the rock golem it was previously. Thin, gnarled spikes protruded all along its back and from the back of its head, like hundreds of tree branches—

Tree branches?

“Are you, like, the rock version of Groot?” I asked in amazement. 

The creature sighed deeply. No, I am not Groot, it stated flatly. 

Search your memories! it urged. You must remember me. 

“You sure you’re not Groot?”

I am absolutely sure. If I were, that would have been my first sentence.

“And your second. And third. And fou—”

Correct, correct. The creature was getting impatient. Now tell me who I am.

“Wasn’t that my question?”

Tell me who I am, it growled. I’ve told you once before. Remember it!

“Sheesh. Okay. Um…” 

There is not always a good guy. Nor is there always a bad one, the golem intoned. 


Then I realized who it was. 

Memory after memory began to slam into my brain, as if they had been waiting to ambush me.

The nightmare. The stories. The truth.

The yew tree. 


More installments to follow!

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