Book Reviews

Saturday, April 22, 2023

The Last Tree (A Monster Calls Fanfiction)- Part 4

The Last Tree (A Monster Calls Fanfiction)- Part 4

BBC One - A Monster Calls

Hello, this is the fourth and last installment of my ongoing fanfiction of the book A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. 

It turned out pretty well, I think, but that's just my opinion.

This story is set in a few years from the events of A Monster Calls, where the main character is still Conor but from a first-person perspective. 

Enjoy reading! :)

Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Cycle of Life- a short poem

 The Cycle of Life

Recovering from the harsh cold

Yet another season has passed

How many winters have you seen?

As the days start to warm

And hints of green start to show themselves

Starting all over, from the very end

Like a phoenix standing tall

After shedding your leaves

Once again, the cycle starts

Recovering from the harsh cold

Yet another season will pass

How many winters will you see?

Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Last Tree (A Monster Calls Fanfiction)- Part 3

The Last Tree (A Monster Calls Fanfiction)- Part 3

BBC One - A Monster Calls

Hello, this is the third installment of my ongoing fanfiction of the book A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. 

I've set the title to be The Last Tree, I don't know if it's a fitting title, I might change this later. 

This story is set in a few years from the events of A Monster Calls, where the main character is still Conor but from a first-person perspective. 

Enjoy reading! :)

Saturday, April 8, 2023

I’ll still live on- a short poem

 I’ll still live on- a short poem

I know 

I’m a little 


From the others

And I know

I’m not 


What they want

But it’s okay.

I’m still a dandelion

And I’ll still live on

Like a dandy lion.

Friday, April 7, 2023

A Monster Calls Fanfiction(Title Undecided)- Part 2

 A Monster Calls Fanfiction(Title Undecided)- Part 2

BBC One - A Monster Calls

Hello, this is the second installment of my ongoing fanfiction of the book A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. 

This story is set in a few years from the events of A Monster Calls, where the main character is still Conor but from a first-person perspective. 

Enjoy reading! :)