Book Reviews

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Kira-Kira by Cynthia Kadohata- Book Review

Kira-Kira by Cynthia Kadohata (2006-12-26): Cynthia Kadohata:  Books

Kira-Kira by Cynthia Kadohata- Book Review

Title: Kira-Kira 

Author: Cynthia Kadohata

Publisher: Atheneum

Publish Date: February 1, 2004

Rating: 5/5

Summary(blurb): kira-kira (kee ra kee ra): glittering; shining 

Glittering. That's how Katie Takeshima's sister, Lynn, makes everything seem. The sky is kira-kira because is color is deep but see-through at the same time. The sea is kira-kira for the same reason. And so are people's eyes. When Katie and her family move from a Japanese community in lowa to the Deep South of Georgia, it's Lynn who explains to her why people stop on the street to stare. And it's Lynn who, with her special way of viewing the world, teaches Katie to look beyond tomorrow. But when Lynn becomes desperately ill, and the whole family begins to fall apart, it is up to Katie to find a way to remind them all that there is always something glittering--kira-kira—in the future.

**This book review may contain spoilers**

Friday, June 7, 2024

Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card- Book Review

Ender's Shadow (The Shadow Series #1) (Hardcover) | Harvard Book Store

Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card- Book Review

Title: Ender's Shadow 

Author: Orson Scott Card

Publisher: Starscape Books

Publish Date: 1999

Rating: 5/5

Summary(blurb): Andrew "Ender" Wiggin was not the only child in the Battle School; he was just the best of the best. Here is the story of another of those precocious generals, the one they called Bean—the one who became Ender's right hand, his strate-gist, and his friend. Bean's past was a battle just to survive on the streets of Rotterdam. He was a tiny child with a mind leagues beyond anyone else's. 

Bean's desperate struggle, and his remarkable success, brought him to the attention of the Battle School's recruiters, those people scouring the planet for leaders, tacticians, and generals to save Earth from the threat of alien invasion. Bean was sent into orbit, to the Battle School. And there he met Ender....

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